Welcome To My World

The Broken Clock of Yesterday's Gifts

The athenaeum is the place to look,
Lift the wings to find the book.
Hidden, in this book of old,
Water of Life and Tears of Gold.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I Kill A Minotaur (With Just The Demigod Diaries)

Hey peoples! I got the DEMIGOD DIARIES!!!! Well, technically I got it last August 18, which is BTW: Percy's 17th birthday! I love all the stories, but my favorite is Percy Jackson and The Staff of Hermes. Of course, I had it wrapped in plastic cover (wouldn't want to damage it) But my classmates say I look like Thalia, Whaddya Think?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Neville Longbottom!

July 30th. Few know whose birthday it is today. It's Neville Longbottom's Birthday! We learned in Order of the Phoenix, that Neville's parents were tortured by the means of the Cruciatus Curse, the attack on the well-known Aurors was led by Bellatrix LeStrange. Both Neville's parents thrice defeated Voldemort, but why is he not the Chosen One? The answer is simple: Has Voldemort,himself attacked or shown any intrest in Neville? No. Neville was brought up by his gran, therefore their relatives thought he was a Squib. He has/had a pet toad named Trevor, which he kept losing in HP books(and movies) 1-3 Neville played a big part in the Battle of Hogwarts, by killing Nagini (the last Horcrux) with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, therfore allowing Harry to be able to kill Voldermort.He also, currently teaches at Hogwarts. So a Butterbeer toast.To the bravest hero of Hogwarts! LONG LIVE NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wistful Thinking at The Lake (Annabeth)

Annabeth traced the bottom of the canoe lake with her stick. It had been nearly seven months when Percy had disappeared. Percy.Oh, Seaweed Brain,where could you be? she thought. Jason Grace sat next to her, staring at the water. He reminded her so much of Percy, it almost hurt to look at him. "Hey,don't worry.We'll find him." Jason smiled, sadly. Annabeth picked up a rock, and threw it across the clear surface. The rock skimmed three bounds, before sinking into the lake. Jason put his arm over her shoulder. Annabeth squirmed. She didn't like people doing that, even Percy. She sighed "It's just.... what if we don't? What do we do then?" Jason stared at her, his blue eyes looking deep into hers. "We'll find your boyfriend, it's going to be okay." Annabeth stared at the bottom of the lake, she could still remember their first kiss, after the battle. She pushed Jason's arm away, and ran up the hill. The sun was setting. and she HAD to find him.

Friday, July 20, 2012

What I've Been Up To

Lately, I haven't been posting. Really sorry, but I mostly had schoolwork to do. Urghhh.... 6th Grade is so.... Tiring. Oh, but I'm grateful because a Hunger Games FanFic of mine got published in the school newpaper! To see what I've been up to, just click on this adress-no questions: http://www.wattpad.com/user/TheWeirdestDemigod Also, big thanks to Rick for getting me through the first few weeks: http://rickriordan.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mark Of Athena

Hey guys, Check out the cover of Mark of Athena! Uh-oh... Is that who I think that is fighting? It's coming out on October 2,2012, and Demigod Diaries on August 14,2012! Don't forget, August 18 is Percy's birthday!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

We Play a Game of Truth or Dare Part 1

A FanFiction by Magic Unicorn (Me.) Sadie Kane here, this is a short story about what happens when you play mortal games with Anubis.... GAH!!!!! Walt. I was in my room listening to my Ipod, with the speakers turned up to the loudest it could go, when Walt materialized in my room holding the bloody Feather of Truth. "Anubis!!!!" I yelled above the noise,"What on earth, are you doing in my room?!". He snapped his fingers, and my stereo turned off. " Gods, I'd forgotten how annoying you are." he said in Anubis' voice, I realized Anubis was in control of Walt's body,since he was dressed in a Dead Weather shirt, his usual jacket,blah...blah... blah.... Anyway, he said "Walt told me to act normal for a change,and said you like to play Truth or Dare, so-" I cut him off, saying " You bloody jackal, we don't play Truth or Dare with the Feather of Truth." He looked confused,"Then, how do you know whether or not the person is telling the truth? (To be continued)

Anubis + Walt = Death Boy

I tried not to think about how Walt and Anubis' brown eyes melded together perfectly, or how natural Anubis' smile looked on Walt's face.
I have read, and reread The Serpent's Shadow and I laughed so hard about Jelly Baby hunting and was incredibly surprised about *spoiler* Walt and Anubis..... You know what? maybe I won't tell you....

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

This movie is part 2 of Journey to the Center of the Earth, it stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Josh Hutcherson(from the first movie) and Vanessa Hudgens. It's a comedy that has a lot of reverse things about the earth... You'll have to watch it to find out if you like it or not......

Saturday, May 5, 2012

J.K. Rowling Announces Pottermore


Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure
Attention!! Harry Potter fans, Pottermore, the website is now open to the public! Yes, Now even if you're not a BETA tester, you can explore the world of Harry Potter like you never have before!!!! If you want to search me, my username is NimbusCauldron280 and I'm in Ravenclaw! Hope to see you in my house.....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Funny Comics!

Hehe define the English language

The Lightning Thief (continued)

Continued pictures:

The Lightning Thief: Part One

These artworks done by John Rocco are from the book, The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Serpent's Shadow

The latest installment in The Kane Chronicles Series, The Serpent's Shadow is coming out on May 1!!!! I'm so excited, but for now I have to settle for rereading The Survival Guide... About the Invisible Tower, it's a really good book! I LOVE THE COVER OF THE SERPENT'S SHADOW!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Sea of Monsters Graphic Novel

Another awesome Percy Jackson Graphic Novel cover!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Amazing World of Gumball

This TV Show is weird. It's main character is a cat-like creature. His dad is a bunny. His mom is a cat. His sister is a bunny. His brother/pet/neighbor/friend/aquaintance is a plastic talking fish. Enough said, WATCH IT!!!!!!!

The Invisible Tower

This book is so cool, it's a fantasy book about a kid who loves playing this video game and later discovers that his video game is real. He later meets Merlin and embarks on a quest to save the Otherworld(whoops! spoiler.) with his older sister. It's a lot like Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling's books, so if you like those books,you might like this book.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

This Post Is Absolutely Nonsense

hfrsrft6guhw3xc3 msesetgnmgyg6e4w22q2sedrf?ybyyttv!!!!!ctvgtvunumim.byvyvgvvgydfbgyfdbfdbvhbvdsbvdubvduahduwrhuewghudnfbvdfbudfhbuhdbudbufbhfhbybgyfbgyfbhufgbhugbhueg7fgyFYVYVYVYVBYY7gydgyyWFG6YEFGW6yfg6ftyvcby enbfufyfv7yefd6etfdgetwy7ffffgydgjdniewfvbhvhvbbhvb ggdyugFUGUGBUYGBUYFGAYFGUBFGW67R66fdyGYTYEGUHjfiwhfuhughIRHihtIUHui scjhvubhub!!!!!

Tiny Mac Is So Hackin' Awesome!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WARNING:Never Drink Polyjuice Potion, EVER!!!!

Freaky Side effects that happened when I drank Polyjuice Potion

John Rocco's Amazing Drawings

These are so cool, I want to draw like John Rocco one day!

I Love This!

Hey, I Love this poster done by John Rocco! It promotes reading! You Rock,
Rick Riordan and of course, John Rocco!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Conquer The World! (With Just The Kane Chronicles Survival Guide)

Hey I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! I JUST GOT THE KANE CHRONICLES SURVIVAL GUIDE!!!!!!! ( Technically, I got it last Saturday...) I've been reading and rereading it over and over and over, along with the two books in the series. Here's my rating: 9-10 SCALE AWAITING THE SERPENT'S SHADOW!

Percy and Annabeth's First Date

The cool bottom of the lake seemed to tempt us, so we jumped right in. Annabeth grinned as she lay down the waterproof picnic blanket, her own invention for our underwater dates. "So, Seaweed Brain? What are we gonna do now?" Annabeth asked me tauntingly. "Hmmm-Wha?" I'd been thinking of something else entirely. Annabeth leaned right in and we kissed again, a blast of water shook me up and I toppled off the blanket."Percy!" shouted Annabeth, I sunk to the very floor of the lake, wondering what had happened. I saw Annabeth, trying hard not to laugh,I yelled " Seriously not cool, Owl Brain!". Annabeth pulled me up and said "If you're going to do that every time we go on our dates-" she started to say,this time I leaned in and kissed her, and we spent the rest of our date swimming in the water. When we surfaced, Grover asked us, "Have You been there the entire time?" I said, "Yeah man, why?"

Thursday, May 5, 2011


OKAY, So I haven't been around for a long time....
So what's goin' on in your life?
Just Kidding!
Do you wanna hear it?
Come closer,
Stand right here < here >
Ha! did you really think I would pull a prank?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The PJ Files

NAME:Perseus Jackson
AGE:16 (at the moment)
HOBBIES:Fighting monsters (really!)
B-DAY:August 18th
FOOD: Anything blue and sweet
MOM: Sally Jackson

Gurdians: The Owls of Ga'hoole A Field Guide Part 1

Things you Need To Know

The island of Ga'Hoole is where the Great Ga'Hoole Tree
is nestled! St Aggie's Canyon is where AOO is located
otherwise known as The Academy for Orphaned Owls.

They teach the following classes:
7:30 a.m Mice Hunting out in the field
8:00 a.m Dinner
9:00 a.m 8:30- Sleep
8:30 p.m Breakfast
9:00 p.m Start of Sorcery Class (c\o Mr.Hunter)
10:00 p.m Cooking Class (c\o of Ms.Winfred)
11:00 p.m Lunch
12:00 p.m Sleep
See? tough to be an owl!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Story of JAG

It all started on the second-to-last day of Creative Writing class
We were walking to Gate 1 and started talking about barkadas.
We decide to name ourselves JAG! JAG stands for:
But that was in the summer now it's:
J- Jin,Joules,Justine
G-Gaby and Charles (because of her middle name)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

School Survival Guide

Need advice on school? Then read this guide!
1.DO sit in front of the class.
2.DON'T sit at the back.
3.DO take notes that are useful.
4.DON'T ask stupid questions.
5.DO see your friends.
at lunch and include them in activities with your new friends.
6.DON'T turn your back on a old friend.
7.DO eat a healthy breakfast.
8.DON'T eat junk food.
9.DO your homework 2 nights before it's due.
10.DON'T do it on the bus.
And there you have it ten tips to help you in school!
FAR OUT!!!!!!!!
Ga2by (Gaby)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ayla and Jin

Two best friends with an emphasis on cool
I always see them at school
Animal-Loving Dudes
They'd never misuse animals
they'd treat them kindly
And always love....
All creatures great and small
A writer, A vet and a Animal Trainer you see
One to write about animals
One to care for animals
and One To train animals
a animal-loving gang
Always there for me
and So I say....
Best Friends for Ever!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Subic Rocks!

Dude If you know Me you Should know these

High Heels?


Girly Girl?

Country Girl
City Chick?
Country Girl

Comfy and Punk
Fashionable and cool?
Comfy and Punk

Green Gal

Green Gal

T-shirt and Jeans

T-shirt and jeans



Saturday, May 15, 2010


I love horses so much
That I would jump around courses everyday
If a had a horse I would treat it well
Insure it never fell
I love horses yes it's true
As much as I love you

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Rock n' Roll Party

I came wearing a zipper shirt,crocs,fingerless gloves and gold hair color.
We waited in line it took forever!:( Until we finally got in it was super awesome!I played and played until it was Sam's performance and we sat down and watched it and we went home it was one of the best days of my life! But my al time fave is The Subic Vacation! Because I was with my family and animals of course horses!

Video Girl

What do you think of a girl who just is plastic?,It's like they pretend to like you but end up dumping you.Why do they do that?,A true friend stays by your side no matter what.
And will tell you when your face is dirty,A true friend is someone who likes you for who you are,Who does not change you.That's friendship....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pens and Papers

OMG! I miss creative writing even though it just ended last week.
I became closer with my 2 best buds Ayla and Jin.
speaking of that Ayla almost got hit by a car!
Here's the scoop:
Ayla and I were playing when we saw Ayla's mom
So as Ayla was crossing the street
There was a car and he screeched in front just in time
As Ayla ran across sobbing!A total OMG moment!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

This is a book that I have read over and over.You can feel the adventure building up inside of you as you read it.It is also teaches Greek mythology.Rick Riordan has the spice and sugar of a real book. Truly Amazing

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Girlygirl+rockn'roll =girlygirlnrocknroll

(these are the ones I follow, these belong to my best friends)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I can't hardly believe it it's summer! Our last day was a happy but tearful day. After the tests it was lunch.Almost everyone was crying, exchanging gifts with their best friends. Me and my best friends ( Jin,Ayla,Joules,Charles,Justine) plus some other friends that I had made this school year(2009-2010)agreed we would talk to each other on Facebook and the ones who got chosen agreed with their best friend they would sit together at the program.


My best friends are truly ones who stay in my heart.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An Episode for Animalia

by Gaby Aniceto dedicated to Mr Graeme Base, the Author and Artist of the book called Animalia

It all started in a place I called Animalia. Everything was peaceful. All creatures were quitely having lunch at the Elephant's Eatery including the two creatures, Kabobo Gorilla and Iggy Iguana. But alas! Not all was peaceful after all. Livingston, ruler of Animalia kept an anxious eye on the core. It controlled everything in Animalia. If a corspore explodes something in Animalia, would be lost. Last week, the core cracked and 5 corspore exploded.

In the real world, Alex Stinkbug got up and went out of his room.

"Yeah!" he shouted as he jumped on his skateboard and rode away.

Zoey Stinkbug was talking to her friend, Emma as they rode on their bikes. Suddenly Alex bumped into Zoey and Emma and they all landed in the trash can.

"Hey blondie, give me six bucks!" said Zoey.

"Why?" asked Alex.

"You bashed up my bike!" shouted Zoey.

But Alex wasn't listening and walked away towards the library.

"Look, he is going to the library. We shouldn't let him escape until he pays us" said Zoey to Emma.

"Hey, Skaterboy, come back here!" said Zoey.

But Alex was quick and was now by the library door talking with the librarian.

Zoey followed him to the adventure section.

"Wow! I have never seen this room before" said Alex.

"That's freaky," said Zoey.

Alex went into what seemed like a portal and found a way to Animalia. Zoey followed and found themselves in the Animalian Library.

"Roar" said Livingston.

"Aaaaah!" shouted Alex and Zoey.

"You did not give them a friendly greeting," commented Rhini the Rhino to Livingston.

"I was going to, until you stepped on my tail!" said Livingston.

"Ooops," said Rhini.

Alex and Zoey ran outside but they were frightened of the animals.

"Who moved the city," asked Zoey.

Alex said, "I don't know"

They ran and ran and ran into the swamp where Alegra the Alligator lived. Alex saw the alligator about to chomp off Zoey's arm.

"G-g-g-gator" Alex stammered.

Zoey saw a Kabobo and said "G-g-g-gorilla"

"Bang-a-largl" Alegra cried.

"Come on guys," said Kabobo and he swung them to safety on vine.

"Yes!" shouted Iggy Iguana.

They landed on a tree branch and Kabobo gave them a banana.

They were safe. But they fell.

"Aaaaaaah!" cried Zoey and Alex as they fell into the treehouse where Iggy Iguana was.

"Please to meet you!" said Iggy Iguana.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pretty Coloured Sky

My painting in 2004, acrylic.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Parade Horse

This is me at the Makati Fire Station. I did not see this horse during the Makati Foundation Day Parade. But I am glad I had a chance to see him the day after.

Clay Horse

I love horses. My dad and I made this horse out of clay and some small balls...

Thursday, February 7, 2008


One summer morning, Jewel and Crystal were playing in the meadow when Crystal saw a cave. She showed it to Jewel.

" I want to explore it," said Crystal.

"Are you nuts?!" shouted Jewel. "That's the cave of darkness"

"So? I still want to explore it."

"B,b,b,b ut it's spooky. Let's do it tommrow," said Jewel

"Okay" said Crystal.

(to be continued....)